Time travel to the past or future


Hello, in this blog I am going to talk about where I would travel in time if I could

First of all, i think to is impossible travel along of the time, because a little change in the past cause a big change in the present and this would generate a different dimensión, but If I could travel in the time I would travel to the past exactly i would travel to 1927 year. If I would be in this year i would like to visit different places and different people.

The first people what i would visit is Marie Curie, if i saw Marie Curie I will say she to use a special suit for radiation, i think to this is important because Marie Curie died because she studied "the strange force" (strange in this years) of diferents minerals, this "strange radiation" was nuclear radiation and  it is very dangerous for the healt because it causes cancer and she died by this.

Personally I think: If Marie Curie had not died so young, she would have generated many more contributions to science and would be even more honored than she is today.

In addition i would like to go to listen the conferey Solvay and view with my own eyes the most importants genius of the nineteenth century like Niles Bohr, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Louis Broglie, Wolfgang Pauli and others titans of the chemist and fisic.


  1. Sounds great, I would also like to travel in the past!! although it would be dangerous to the possibility of altering the present and future.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. It would be super interesting to see those great geniuses 🤩

  4. I like to think that when someone dies, as Marie Curie, is sadly because that was her destiny, so i don`t like to think in the "what would have happen" :(


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