Why is my career important?


As you can see in the previous blogs, I am studying chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Chile, in the distant future I would like to have a pharmacy in a rural town (I don't like the city), but ... Besides being in the pharmacy Why is the pharmaceutical chemical important?

As we know in the modern world, drugs play a fundamental role in the health of the population by preventing and / or curing diseases, with drugs being one of the main factors in the increase in the average life of the population.

Medicines must go through different steps before reaching the consumer, in addition there are many regulatory mechanisms in the dispensing of medicines, whether they are national entities such as the "Public Health Institute" or international entities.

In all these steps of manufacture, dispensing and regulation of medicines, the pharmaceutical chemist is involved, becoming the main character in the entire world of medicines.

Considering the importance of drugs in humanity and the role that the pharmaceutical chemist plays in their production, it can be said that the role of the pharmaceutical chemist is fundamental today.



  1. Hello Alonso, I find it very good that you want to put a pharmacy in a rural place, because as you say the medicines are very important and at times to more remote places do not reach so many remedies perhaps for more serious diseases

  2. Hello Alonso, it seems to me that your chosen area is impossible, especially for those who didn't have the opportunity


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